Take a Minute: Honor The Good In Others

Over the past year, I have realized that I work with a lot of smart and talented people. I have and have had some fantastic managers and peers that not only push me and bring out the best in me; they are also great mentors, friends, and human beings.
As a HR and/or recruiting professional like myself, you may spend a lot of time looking for the faults in people. We observe all the things that someone doesn’t have to qualify for our jobs. We focus on their weaknesses and areas of opportunity instead of taking time to recognize all the good they do and what they are capable of accomplishing.
Change your mindset from looking for reasons why you can fire someone to reasons why you can admire them, and you’ll set yourself up for a much more productive working relationship.
My challenge for you today is to take some time to reflect on those who you work with, past and present. Find at least one redeeming quality and recognize them for it. Send them a note or give them a call. If they are no longer around, honor them by demonstrating one of their great qualities in your actions toward others.