Moving the Needle on Workplace Mental Health – 3.21

Prior to the pandemic, there was already a mental health crisis, which has now been exacerbated by the previous three years. A study from Mind Share Partners disclosed that approximately 76% of full-time U.S. workers reported experiencing at least one symptom of a mental health condition in the past year.
As employers look toward the future of their organizations, a focus on supporting the mental and emotional needs of their employees will be key to building a productive and goal-oriented workforce moving forward. Bottom line: Prioritizing employee mental health is here to stay.
Join us for an interactive session led by Karla Chin, Exude’s Chief Wellbeing Officer, and our new resident Mental health Expert, Dr. Charryse Johnson, as they discuss effective strategies for moving the needle on workplace mental health and provide customized consulting support from the questions submitted in your registration.