How Coaching Can Help in Times of Crisis

As organizations continue to work through the pandemic, it’s important that leaders are equipped with the personal and professional tools to help their organization and its employees thrive during this time of change. One way to do this is through coaching. Given the current climate, there are two types of relevant coaching: Executive coaching and Personal Development coaching. Both types have their own benefits and can help employees succeed in an organization, especially during times of uncertainty.
Executive coaching is a key strategy for developing professionals. It aims to meet you where you are, help you set achievable goals, and support you as you develop. The focus of executive coaching is improving performance and increasing self-awareness of your leader’s strengths, stress behaviors, and development areas, increases engagement and the ability for leaders to productively bounce back from challenges, adversity, conflict, stress and constant change. Coaching for managers and other organizational leaders will help accelerate new managers and high potentials in achieving business goals.
Personal Development coaching helps leaders make high impact changes to gain the energy, resilience, and presence to live well and lead well. Self-leadership is a pre-requisite to becoming a highly effective leader, and effective coaching can create sustainable change for leaders in all areas of life. The outcomes of working on personal development can include increased levels of engagement and productivity, more satisfaction in interpersonal relationships and the ability to find productive solutions for dealing with stress, conflict and change.
While coaching isn’t an overnight solution, it does have many long-term benefits. Organizations that embrace a culture of coaching often celebrate increased revenue, lower employee absenteeism, increased employee retention, projects delivered on time, first to market innovation, lower production time and increased market share.
Leading through a crisis is hard, and managers and leaders may need additional support in resuming workplace activity. An integrative and holistic coaching program can help leaders make high impact changes to gain the energy, resilience, and presence to live well and lead well as we navigate the new normal. For more information about our coaching programs, fill out the form below:
Source: Portland Business Journal