Given Recent Events – Let’s Get You Ready To Talk About Race in the Workplace – 6.17

It’s a big mistake to ignore the elephant in the room. We all see the elephant and we make the mistake of pretending that it’s not there, or walk around it because of fear. We are in a time when we must communicate with empathy and address the pain and concerns of African American employees head on. Join Twana Harris for a webinar where we’ll discuss about race in the workplace and learn how having these conversations can enhance the trajectory of your company’s diversity, equity and inclusion efforts.
Attend this session to:
- Learn how to Communicate with Empathy about recent events
- Stop avoiding the inevitable and focus on real change
- Facilitate heartfelt conversation with African Americans
- Help European Americans deal with guilt and learn how to be a part of positive change
Wednesday, June 17, 2020 | 10:00-11:00am
Presenter: Twana Harris, Senior HR Consultant | Exude, Inc.