3.13 – The Neuroscience of Creating Psychologically Safe Teams

Mental health and burnout remains at the forefront of challenges for organizations. With the addition of interpersonal stressors and social unrest that this 2024 election is expected to bring, organizations must proactively equip leaders with the skills to create psychologically safe teams. In this webinar, we’ll explore a trauma-aware approach, while also providing resources and support to help leaders take care of their own well-being.
Join this highly interactive session to learn about:
- An overview of psychological safety
- Why understanding trauma is critical to fostering psychological safety
- How feelings of safety and inclusion are processed in the brain
- The value of understanding your individual identity when creating inclusion and safety
We will also spend the last segment of this session guiding participants through activities for effectively processing and releasing emotions.
Wednesday, March 13th | 11:00-12:00pm EST | Register Now
Presenters: Dr. Charryse Johnson & Karla Chin